
3507 E. Frontage Rd, Suite 100

Tampa, FL 33607

Teleflora website shown on mobile device with flowers in the background

Project Type:

mobile web

Client URL:

Teleflora is a floral wire service company which brokers orders to local florists for delivery, including providing mobile websites for partner florists..


The Teleflora Australia team needed to get off a mobile transformation platform that was being deprecated and which anyway had never offered users the full functionality they received on desktop. The problem though is that few technologies are really capable of handling the 6,000 small florist sites that Teleflora is responsible for in Australia.


64Labs and Moovweb were selected to produce the new set of sites for the Australian team. There were major challenges as expected with that number of urls but the site launched in time for the end of the prior contract and 64Labs remains as a key technology partner for Teleflora Australia today.